Litigation Support Los Angeles

Book Scanning

Book Scanning

Benefits of Book, Magazine, Notebook, Newspaper and Periodical Scanning

  • Restore Damaged Books, Notebooks, Newspapers and Periodicals
  • Regain Storage Space
  • Protect Your Books
  • Accessibility
  • Archival of Government Agency Budget Books and Plans
  • Prevent Data Loss

Advanced Microsystems offers book scanning services to convert old or worn books, magazines, notebooks, plans, periodicals into digital files. We work for law firms, libraries, schools, medical professionals and more.

Saved in a digital format, your books will be much easier to access. You will have your important references available on your computer versus a row of bookshelves with heavy books in one place.

Books, magazines and newspapers become worn, pages rip and the print fades. Many older books are no longer available or published. Whether it’s an important reference book, medical journal or even fictional story, you may want to preserve it for future reading. The best way to do this is with book scanning.

We can assist with a broad range of scanning services from small to large scale projects, thanks to our expert skills, knowledge and equipment.

Bound / Non Destructive Book Scanning

Keeping your books intact we scan with special care using gloves to ensure preservation of the media and the spine is kept in place preserving the original.

Unbound / Destructive Scanning

This method involves slicing the spine cleanly. If you need to save on spending, this service is comparably cheaper. It’s also a quicker process that produces clearer results most of the time.

*Please note: our minimum project fee is $500.00

 Pricing begins at .15 per page depending on the condition of the media.

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